Welcome to the AnB Homestead!

A Social Worker (AKA the crazy chicken lady) and a language professor (AKA the crazy goat guy) started the AnB Homestead in 2018. Our mission is to grow our own food and share our experience and produce with our community.

Would you like to learn more about our journey? Keep reading…

We love watching things grow and being part of their existence. Of course, it is watching by providing the best possible conditions for it to flourish. It can be raising poultry, small ruminants or growing herbs or vegetables. We also value knowing where our food comes from, and share the produce with friends and family. No organic salad mix from a store tastes as good as the one you make with the freshly hand-picked lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and herbs. When we didn’t have a space to garden around my residence,  signed up for community gardens. When we built our garden beds for the first time in our backyard, we learned what worked and what didn’t work with the space we had. When we moved to a house with a bigger backyard, we built multiple raised garden beds with cinder blocks.

Now that we moved to a house in a more rural area with a lot more land, we built raised garden beds from logs using the Hügelkultur techniques. Since this is a task too much for two adults with other full -time jobs, we are initiating a community food share project to get some helping hands with all these sustainable ways of vegetable farming and animal husbandry. Not everybody has time and space to be farmers, so this is perfect for someone who can volunteer for a couple of hours and go home with fresh eggs and a bag full of seasonally grown fresh vegetables. Snuggling with baby animals would be the mental health component of this experience. Gardening and raising animals are therapeutic and mindful activities on their own, but bringing people who don’t mind getting their hands dirty together is the most enjoyable part of my farming experience. Why exchange money when you can barter with food, animals and time?


Here is a taste of what we do. Don’t forget to check out our FB and IG accounts below!

We were featured on the cover of Goat Journal!

This year’s babies testing boundaries…

Goat milk soaps for Valentine’s Day!

Everybody loves attention including alpacas, maybe some treats too…

How about quails?

We got peacocks too!

Our lambs!

Don’t forget bunny snuggles for Easter and after!

Winter babies…

This is our main breeding buck now!

Large Cochin Rooster

Goat snuggles for everybody!


Foster, RI



